Blue Affair


In silent speeches, nobody saw,
A shame carried to the stars,
Was it so hard to look up and smile?
When jumping waters wet your feet,
why you drew a line to let it bleed?
Higher above your pride,
It’s a home to all your iridescent hues,
Guided by your tears that lost the light,
It is how you learned to love yourself,
And I knew the words to drizzle on you,
Will you be happy to get lost in the ocean?
If it is the blue that ties your destiny with mine.

The Story

If zero and million could exist together,Would it be infinite or explode to a pause-Hello! my masterpiece of crossing stars,Light years away yet the closest.This love is growing like a c

If zero and million could exist together,
Would it be infinite or explode to a pause?

Hello! my masterpiece of crossing stars,
Light years away yet the closest.

This love is growing like a cancer
Unexpected and then all at once.

There are countless ways to die everyday,
But only one way to live; to love you.

One day, You’ll know why I asked,
When You’ll know nothing can exist together unlike us.

Beautiful Shadow

All Credit: Teddy ©
(My sister and her Husband in frame. )


Hey Marriott, my ecstasy of this world,
Forgive me for what i have said,
A lot of somebody stood infront me,
I don’t blame this fortified prudent smile,
It doesn’t take long for them to realize,
There is no one to stand in my way.
Down the road I will be over you,
A pause will break in your lips,
And I will come to make you my equipoise.

You’re not the one to be let aside,
I will grow with you and be your hope,
Forgive me for the time you wept alone,
It will be a thousand years we live together,
Some in our hugs and the rest in dreams,
You’ll find your soul in me when you’re lost,
All I ever wanted is to slow down with your kiss.

Open your eyes to the skyline split,
And I’ll see the stars meet in your eyes,
Forgive me for your heartbeats I missed,
I know it is the perfect love in you, my girl!
We’ll again be dancing to our favorite song,
And underneath your breath I’ll whisper,
“You are the most beautiful shadow of my darkness”
Then you’ll know I’ve met an angel in person.

Forgive me when your words were alone,
Don’t look at me with that anger, just pull me close,
You don’t know what it’s like to watch the night die alone,
Now, we will be the waves to ride with the birds,
Maybe you don’t believe my only voice,
But I will be here when you’ll wake the last mile,
And we will share the only rose over our graves.

– Teddy ©

Never the End


Caused what pieces dripping o’er mine,

When sleep break o’er your kiss,

I met thee face in night where none bright,

You said the world seen inside mine eyes,

Happiness made friends with mine, with you,

We drank till midnight struck light,

O’er shoulders mine rest your head, till light greyed,

Deeper got sunk we inside pages, deeper beyond,

Where words lived mine dreams, where I could live,

You said the hands what found mine, never left,

Slowed pace of broken glasses and burnt pages,

To miles of quivered walk, our story never dies,

For we again slept among demons, raiders of night,

Screams past eternal peace left only as a sight,

This journey we made, never found what’s called end.

  • Teddy ©

Someone Like You

This poem is to a pretty face that I met and what peace it gave me. All Credits- Teddy ©



Let it flow, streaks of stardust to mine.

Face of thou sweet smile inside, it shines.

Your eyes what means first rain drops to touch,

A rage of numbness flows for they hold a power,

Magic of nightly dreams when spoken to in them.

Who to ask what beauty is, for it resides in you.

Pieces of shattered whispers escapes mine mouth,

Fort its blaze dies when your lips find mine peace.

What not life means a truce with your shadows,

It holds secrets to a kiss under moon of daylight.

A picture of million words covered in thou blink,

For what screams a life I live with your love.

Behold a journey lost where I seep thou sight,

For it starts again when mine heart meets,

someone like you.

Silence Of Screams

Words can barely describe my feelings to the recent massacre on humanity in France and around the world. Being so far away and possess nothing more than my condolence, I want to dedicate few lines.

Would you look up and cherish,

Tell me! Would you saviour victory?

When bloods you’ve spilled flow and,

ride below the feet of your children.

Tell me! Would you sleep in peace?

When your dreams cry and walk,

in between souls you’ve killed.

Hands that once fed your hungry bosom,

stood guard of your hopes and only yours,

Tell me! Would you rob humanity of them?

Would you see your children walk alone?

When you will be the sinner of your destiny.

Tell me! Did god never show you the stars?

When you decide to obliterate this world,

away from all the blessings and peaceful nights.

Tell me! For once tell me!

Does the heart not beat and

illuminate heaven inside you,

When you decide to stop their graceful melody

and listen to silence of the screams.