Someone Like You

This poem is to a pretty face that I met and what peace it gave me. All Credits- Teddy ©



Let it flow, streaks of stardust to mine.

Face of thou sweet smile inside, it shines.

Your eyes what means first rain drops to touch,

A rage of numbness flows for they hold a power,

Magic of nightly dreams when spoken to in them.

Who to ask what beauty is, for it resides in you.

Pieces of shattered whispers escapes mine mouth,

Fort its blaze dies when your lips find mine peace.

What not life means a truce with your shadows,

It holds secrets to a kiss under moon of daylight.

A picture of million words covered in thou blink,

For what screams a life I live with your love.

Behold a journey lost where I seep thou sight,

For it starts again when mine heart meets,

someone like you.