$5 to Win: Global Culture Project

Read carefully the following rules:

1. Follow our FB page and tag people you think would be interested in this competition.

2. Invite your friends and family to Global Culture Project Group page. You must tell them about our work and what we are planning to do. The more we spread the better prize to win in the next competition.

3. For written entry, you can do a poem, story or micro-tale. Word limit is 200 for all. Remember it has to unique and special. One entry per person.

4. For photo entry, you must send a minimum of 720 p image. The photo has to be clear and easy to understand. One entry per person.

5. Nobody is allowed to enter both words and photo. If you send a word entry then you are not eligible for the photo entry and vice versa.

6. All entry should me send to: globalcultureproject18@gmail.com Subject should be: “Entry to GCP”

7. The winner’s work will be selected to be published on the website. If you have a problem with this publication then refrain from participating.

8. Winner will be sent the gift card via email.

9. No copyright violation whatsoever. Words and photos both will be checked for plagiarism from multiple sources

LAST DATE: 15 JUNE 2018, 6:00 PM IST


$ 5 to WIN

Care this world the Palawan Way

Describe Taytay, Philippines to someone who never been to this place
Taytay, Rizal in the Philippines is a group of #islands that has some of the picturesque natural beauty and well preserved, sustained environment. Global Culture Project had an exclusive interview with a native from Taytay who spoke all about the procedures to care for our environment and how the place is so special.
Read the interview to be published in June and #discover places that you only imagined exist in movies.
Please follow us on Facebook, Youtube and subscribe to the website’s mailing list. Also you are always welcome to share your experience on global culture by participating in the submission process which is open all year round.

Submission Open!!!


Chance To Submit!!!!!!! for GLOBAL CULTURE PROJECT PEOPLE’S Page

This is a chance for you all to submit your words for my website. Your work will be uploaded permanently for the global audience to witness your creativity and skill. Read below carefully before submitting

Rules Of Engagement:

1. The theme is global culture and its impact on you. It can be anything from liking some other country’s dress, habit to meeting a special someone from another country or any personal/motivational/inspirational/ heartbreaking/joyful experience related to global culture. Anything outside will be removed. You will be notified in both the cases.

2. Write anything from poems/stories/snippets/conversation along with a suitable title. Keep in mind you writing for a global audience so make sure your work is error/abuse/hurtful sentiments free. ONLY 1 SUBMISSION PER PERSON ALLOWED. WORD LIMIT: 2000 at max.

3. You can submit photos. The photo has to be related to your words. Or any other photo that you feel can impact on the theme of the website. Photo should be jpeg/jpg only. I would prefer a 720p or 1080p size pic. If you can’t then, lower sizes can also be submitted provided it does not get pixelated when I upload. You will be notified of any updates. ONLY 1 SUBMISSION PER PERSON ALLOWED. Photo submission is not mandatory.

4. I will accept all submission to my email only: sourav.bis93@gmail.com
The Subject should be “Submission to GCP”. You must provide your name that I will put up on the website. In case you don’t want your real name to go up, you can choose your pen name as well. You must write your submission in plain texts only. No word/docx file is accepted. Photos should be attached as jpeg/jpg file. You can submit your pic (your face) as well if you want others to see who wrote it. This is all optional.

5. I will read each submission and reply you back before final acceptance. I will use royalty free pics from other websites to be attached with your submission, regardless whether you’ve submitted your photos(not your personal ones) or not. You will NOT BE PAID at this moment coz I’m yet to monetize my website. BUT I PROMISE after this rolls out smooth, each accepted contributors will be given a token of acceptance from my side.

In return, I will need your support to help this project reach more people. This cannot grow without your support and love. This is a journey will you all. There is NO LAST DATE for submission. I want your best work for the display.
